LEEP has been working to create a MOVIE NIGHT at the Village. Our goal is to have the first movie shown on March 15th. We have had a projection system donated, as well as several movies. We still need a VCR player and a DVD player. We have several cash donations and the hunt for a real popcorn machine is ongoing as well! 

This will be a great event and we would like to see this become a monthly event for the community to come together. What a great evening of fun. Popcorn & movies! If you'd like to help out, please contact us via this blog, donate on the "PayPal" button to the right or send a check to the Finance Chairman (listed on the right)!
I have to tell a little side story (as usual)! When I was younger (can't remember the exact year), I begged my mom to see "Gone With The Wind" (and no, it wasn't in 1939...) She finally relented and I was off to my hometown theater to see Scarlett and Rhett together...ah the romance of it all! I was really enjoying the movie until the burning of Atlanta. For some reason no longer in my memory, that scene really scared me and I left the theater, running home to avoid it! My mom talked to me about this and I ended up back the next day to sit through the entire movie all by myself!
How many times have we looked forward to something only to be frightened that it didn't happen the way we expected? Even as adults we have expectations that don't pan out. Returning to face our fears isn't always easy, but it is necessary to progress and grow. Even if we face our fears and THEN leave, at least we have taken the steps needed to face the fear and move on.
LEEP wants to help families return to the Lower Ninth Ward. Imagine how scary that must be...at any age! Assisting the Village to provide services for children and families in this neighborhood is one way to help get people back and hopefully for them to stay! Whatever you can do to help us reach this goal is much appreciated. (Sheila K)
1 comment:
This is great news. The Lower 9th Ward village is starting to make a difference in the lives of the people of the community. I can't wait to see what is coming up next.
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